Avoid the Drawbacks of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Exclusive Nerve and Disc Centers ® helps people avoid the drawbacks of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.
You need to know these 4 vital steps to avoid Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS – M96.1). This syndrome is directly caused by the surgery itself and is both painful and debilitation.
Do your research to get the truth.
Surgery was never intended to improve the quality of your spine or your discs. Just like simply cutting off dead leaves from a dying plant (that’s not getting water) does not improve the quality or vitality of the plant, if your discs are degenerating, bulging, or herniated – they are dying. Doing surgery on a dying disc does not bring it back to life. You will not be happy in the end.
Learn that your disc can repair itself.
Disc physiology (how the disc works) is the disc's “owner's manual”. Published scientific literature identifies that the pathophysiology of the disc (how it breaks down) creates a degenerative or destructive effect and that there is a natural mechanism for self-repair available. The disc requires many things: water, oxygen, and nutrients, just like a dying plant needs sunlight, water, and nutrients. We can’t just paint the leaves green or inject water into a branch or hold the dying plant up with titanium hardware when all it really needs is water. This will not meet the requirements for self-repair.
Your life matters, your future is at stake.
Spinal surgery, of all the surgeries, known to medicine has the worst outcomes. So much so that it is the only procedure that earned its own “failure code” (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome ICD-10 M96.1). This distinction was designated by the World Health Organization Tenth Revision, International Classification of Disease (ICD-10). This is the diagnosis doctors give their patients for this epidemic. Surgery is not meant to heal your spine or disc. The only person who benefits is the surgeon. The surgeon is not responsible for your future, only you are! So choose wisely regarding your decisions. Surgery (especially fusion surgery) maims and leaves wreckage and carnage in its path on unsuspecting victims.
Look for a new vision, a new possibility. Without vision, people will perish.