Which of the following conditions are you struggling with?

Peripheral Neuropathy
Are you experiencing numbness or tingling in the hands and feet, weakness in the arms legs, hands, and feet, balance and stability problems, and/or burning or stabbing pain? You may have damage to the peripheral nerves.
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Numbness, Tingling, and Weakness
Are you experiencing pressure on the spinal nerves? These symptoms can also be caused by herniated or bulging discs, degenerated discs, arthritic spinal joints (facets) putting pressure on the nerves, or stenosis.
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Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
If you have not had a successful outcome with back or spine surgery and continue to have pain after surgery, you may have a failed back surgery syndrome.
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Degenerative Disc Disease
Are you experiencing shooting or burning pain in your arms, legs, hands, or feet? Numbness or tingling pain in your neck or lower back? If so, these symptoms may be caused by wear and tear of the intervertebral disc.
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Herniated or Bulging Disc
Do you suffer from mild to severe pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness? This can happen from blunt trauma or poor mechanics and excessive wear and tear of your discs.
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Spinal Arthritis
Are you experiencing the destruction of joint cartilage, overgrowth of bone (spurs, stenosis), along with impaired function? You may have osteoarthritis, which is a chronic disease involving the sum of its parts; bones, joints, and inflammation.
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Are you struggling with the surplus of sugar in your blood? If so, this can lead to a litany of serious health issues. Glucose powers the cells that form tissue and muscles and if this function isn't working well, the brain will begin to break down and degenerate.
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Bone Spurs
Do you have any bony bulges or protrusions that form along the edge of another bone?
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Compressed Nerve
Are you experiencing pain, weakness, tingling, or numbness? It can be a result of a compressed or pinched nerve...
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Knee Osteoarthritis or Knee Degeneration
... also known as a degenerative joint disease of the knee, is typically the result of wear and tear and progressive loss of articular cartilage.
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Pain Management
Pain is your body’s warning system that something bigger is going on inside. Understanding and identifying the cause of the pain is critical in stopping it or reducing it, so it is manageable.
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